Become a Sponsor

If your company supplies products or services that help people work together, this conference will be of interest to you. Sponsoring this conference will enhance your stature as a leader in this field and provide you a unique opportunity to access and recruit experts in the field. Conference attendees include leading researchers, developers and graduate students from top Universities worldwide. CSCW 2004 had nearly 500 attendees from all over the world, representing the computer industry, telecommunications, research institutions, and major users of technology including government and education. The Conference Proceedings, published by ACM Press, are distributed worldwide. The conference also receives press coverage.

The conference recognizes three levels of contribution: Corporate Contributors, Corporate Benefactors and - especially for CSCW 2006 - 20th Anniversary Benefactors. If at all possible, we urge you to consider becoming a Corporate Benefactor of CSCW 2006 by contributing US$10,000 or more. Benefactors are very important to the conference, and the conference committee ensures that their contributions are well recognized. We list the benefits below. In addition, the generous support of corporate sponsors in the past has enabled truly great CSCW conferences. Another great opportunity for your company, as a benefactor, to support the conference and increase your corporate exposure is to have a booth in our demo space at the conference itself. Demo booths offer a way to showcase your company's innovative products, services and activities.

If you are interested in sponsoring CSCW 2006, or if you have any questions, please contact us at

We hope you will be part of CSCW 2006!

CSCW Industry Liaisons

James D. Herbsleb, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Gary Olson, University of Michigan, USA

Benefits for Contributors ($5,000 U.S. or greater contribution)

  • Your logo will appear on the CSCW 2006 conference tote bag. Most attendees carry these bags throughout the conference, and many continue to use them when they return home
  • You will be acknowledged during the opening and closing plenary sessions of the conference.
  • Your company logo will be listed on the conference sponsors Web page ( as a Contributor, with a link to your home page, if desired.
  • You will receive special acknowledgement as a sponsor in the conference Final Program
  • You will receive one complimentary conference registration

Benefits for Benefactors ($10,000 U.S. or greater contribution)

Corporate Benefactors receive all the benefits of Contributors as well as the following additional benefits:

  • You may provide promotional material that will be given to all conference attendees free of charge
  • Your company logo will appear on the conference sponsors Web page ( as a Benefactor with a link to your home page, if desired.
  • You will receive special acknowledgement as a benefactor in the conference Final Program, and Proceedings.
  • You will be invited to participate in the Conference Demo Evening as a sponsor, and space will be set aside for you to set up a booth showcasing your company's products, services, or innovative research.
  • You will receive two complimentary conference registrations

Benefits for 20th Anniversary Benefactor ($20,000 U.S. or greater contribution)

These benefactors receive all the benefits of Corporate Benefactors and sponsors as well as the following additional benefits:

  • Special acknowledgement as a 20th Anniversary Benefactor in the conference program, proceedings and at the opening and closing plenary sessions.
  • Job postings that your company would like to advertise will appear on the conference web site and at the conference itself.
  • You will receive one complimentary invitation to the doctoral colloquium evening dinner, where you will meet top Ph.D. students and leading researchers in the CSCW field.
  • You will receive five complimentary conference registrations